Reverse Proxy

In these examples Traggo is running on port 3030 on localhost.


At domain root like http://domain.tld

Proxy http://domain.tld to Traggo.

upstream traggo {
  # Set the port to the one you are using in traggo
  server localhost:3030;

server {
  listen 80;

# If you're on localhost:
# server_name localhost;
  server_name localhost;

  location / {
    proxy_pass         http://traggo;

At domain sub path like http://domain.tld/traggo/

Proxy http://domain.tld/traggo to Traggo.

upstream traggo {
  # Set the port to the one you are using in traggo
  server localhost:3030;

server {
  listen 80;

# If you're on localhost:
# server_name localhost;
  server_name domain.tld;

  location /traggo/ {
    proxy_pass         http://traggo;
    rewrite ^/traggo(/.*) $1 break;


At domain root like http://domain.tld

Proxy http://domain.tld to Traggo.

<VirtualHost *:80>
# If you're on localhost:
#   ServerName localhost
    ServerName domain.tld

    Keepalive On

    ProxyPass "/" http://localhost:3030/ retry=0 timeout=5
    ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:3030/

At domain sub path like http://domain.tld/traggo/

Proxy http://domain.tld/traggo to Traggo.

<VirtualHost *:80>
# If you're on localhost:
#   ServerName localhost
    ServerName domain.tld

    Keepalive On

    ProxyPass "/traggo/" http://localhost:3030/ retry=0 timeout=5
    #                 ^- !!trailing slash is required!!
    ProxyPassReverse "/traggo/" http://localhost:3030/

Caddy 2

At domain root like http://domain.tld

Proxy http://domain.tld to Traggo.

http://domain.tld {
  reverse_proxy localhost:3030

At domain sub path like http://domain.tld/traggo/

Proxy http://domain.tld/traggo to Traggo.

http://domain.tld {
    route /traggo/* {
        uri strip_prefix /traggo
        reverse_proxy localhost:3030
    redir /traggo /traggo/